Our tween is starting to go through puberty! Oh dear, God helps us. His dad had your body-changing talk with him recently, and during the conversation, he brought up his face and the fact that he is starting to get minor acne. It’s not bad, but once I heard that he was concerned, I said, ok, its time we invest in products for him. My mom started having me take care of my skin at a very early age, and it’s something I’ve always done so this is right up my alley. Taking care of your skin from an early age is something I genuinely believe. Even though he is starting to break out, I don’t want to start him on a complete acne line because those products can cause more issues like over-drying, leading to more breakouts. Here are products we like:

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
Tell your child not to pick their face! Picking can lead to more breakouts and scars.
Tell your child not to touch their face! Their hands can be dirty and touching can lead to more bacteria and more breakouts.
The Aztec Indian Healing Clay can be drying and it might be too harsh if your teen uses it as a mask. I recommend at first, they use it as a spot treatment. Be sure to mix it with Apple Cider Vinegar for maximum effectiveness.
Exfoliating at least once a week is important your teen’s skin is changing and becoming thicker. Exfoliating will help unclog pores and prevent pores from clogging.
I recommend a light eye cream and moisturizer because the sun and environment can be damaging.
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! You should start applying sunscreen to your child at 6 months before 6 months use other forms of sun protection. Educate yourself on the difference between chemical and physical sunscreens and remember its a layer, not an ingredient. In my home, we use physical sunscreen because I think its the best form of protection against the sun’s damaging rays.
Good luck!