The first thing I’ve learned about this trying to conceive journey (TTC) is that everyone has an opinion on what supplements you should take and what you should or should not eat. Now, before I begin, these are my thoughts and what I learned about a diet I was on I’m not saying I’m right or wrong; I just found what works for me.
For three years before trying to conceive, I was a strict vegetarian, and I was the unhealthiest I have ever been. My skin looked awful; I was constantly sick; I had very low energy; I also gained weight I was the heaviest I had ever been. I’m still struggling with the weight I gained. I was a bad vegetarian.
I would crave meat protein but would deny myself it because I had it stuck in my head that it was horrible for me, but in actuality, it was my diet that was horrible for me. Don’t get me started on all the juice cleanses or juice-only days I did oh, I could kick myself! Because I was not getting enough nutrients and protein, I craved sugar and carbs so much, so it made me pre-diabetic, and all the sugar in all the juices I was drinking didn’t help. My digestive system was also out of whack, which made me feel stuck and sluggish.
After a routine checkup and blood work, my doctor called to tell me I had several vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and that’s when she explains to me the diet I was restricting myself to was doing more harm than good. She also told me she suspected I had developed leaky gut syndrome because she needed me to see a few specialists.
It’s All About Balance
I now eat balanced meals, skip gluten as much as possible, and say no to juice cleanses. When I went back to eating a limited amount of meat, my cravings for sugar and carbs disappeared, and I regained my energy. Eastern medicine, as well as many other cultures, believe that balance ‘cold’ foods lowers your blood flow and ‘warm’ foods increase it; optimal health is associated with free-flowing energy when you’re blocked, this can’t happen. Non-Western Medicine believes our power is centered in our middle, and it must be working correctly for everything else to be working correctly. I think feeling stuck had a lot to do with my diet.
Here are a few ways to increase your blood and energy flow:
Maya/Arvigo massage
Chiropractic Care
Whatever diet you prescribe to make sure it’s the right one for you.
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